Terms & Conditions
Please note that all events are ticketed events with a limited number of spaces available.
If an event is cancelled or postponed you will receive a full refund or the option to transfer to another date. Because of limited spaces, if you cancel from an event with less then two weeks notice (other than in an emergency) you will not receive a refund or the option to transfer to the next date. You are however, able to transfer your spot to another person, please inform Live Align Flow of who will be attending if you cannot make the event yourself.
Please note that if you cancel out of a Reiki training a $50 service fee plus any booking fees paid will apply to cover the online materials that are provided when the booking was made.
Please remember that you are always responsible for your own body and wellbeing. All cues in yoga classes, workshops, trainings and retreats are always just suggestions and you are always welcome and supported to modify if you need to to support your own body and state of being.
Please note that all Live Align Flow materials provided, whether online or otherwise are under copyright protection and must not be copied or reproduced unless permission has been granted.
Thank you for your understanding.